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League of Legends Patch update 13.11 – Champions

Updated: Jun 1, 2023 12:34 pm
League of Legends Patch update 13.11 – Champions

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With League always giving us an extensive view into the changes they make and why they make them so we have separated these Patches and updates to make them a little more manageable and digestible for you. This section is all about the changes and updates to specific Champions while the other will be gameplay, items, maps, and other none champion-specific patch updates.

Champions Patch Updates

League has a full roster of Champions that provide hundreds of different strategic gameplay options, whether you want to play DPS or support. In this latest patch Rell has taken a front run with changes so we have put them at the top, the rest will be alphabetical below. Buckle up because this is a big one.

Keep in mind that we also have an article dedicated to bug fixes.

Rell Update

Midscope, all abilities (except ultimate) adjusted.

” We think Rell’s fantasy of being a mounted lancer on horseback who transforms into heavy infantry by literally metalbending her horse into armor is compelling and exciting, but unfortunately she hasn’t fully lived up to that fantasy. In a Dev Blog back in March, we outlined the following goals:

  • Lean into the Mounted/Dismounted fantasy: Let Rell feel fast—like she can charge enemies down while mounted—and let her feel like a formidable fighter while dismounted.
  • Increase Play Pattern Variance: Give Rell more options in lane and teamfights besides landing W, and make sure that while she’s dismounted, there are useful things she can do.
  • Sand off some QoL issues: We’ve heard your feedback on some of the more frustrating parts of Rell’s kit, so we wanted to help alleviate some of them. We want to smooth out things like poor ward clearing, not being able to use E while alone, and Q having reduced power on subsequent enemies.

Rell’s new E should provide the giddyup she needs to charge down her enemies and proactively start fights, and the extra range and attack speed while dismounted let her participate more in the fight.

Adding a stun to her Q will let her have a more varied combat pattern that’s not just looking for engages with W. Now she can fish with Q and follow up with a Crash Down if she lands it. With some new combos in her saddlebags, she should be feeling less binary and more flexible.

And finally, we’ve given her a normal attack speed, and removed the cap on how fast she can go while dismounted, which goes a long way to help improve how she feels to play (ward clearing is also much faster now!). “

Base Stats 

  • Attack Speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.625
  • Attack Speed Growth: 0.02 ⇒ 0.015
  • Armor Growth: 4.2 ⇒ 3
  • Magic Resist Growth: 2.05 ⇒ 1
  • Movement Speed: 335 ⇒ 330

Passive – Break the Mold 

  • Passive Duration: 4 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Armor and Magic Resist Shred: 10% ⇒ 2.5%
  • NEW – Stacks On Stacks: Armor and Magic Resist shred now stacks up to 5 times per target. All of Rell’s abilities will also apply a stack of her Passive
  • Minimum Armor and Magic Resist Steal: 5-12 (based on level) ⇒ 1.25-2.5 (based on level)
  • NEW – Death Proof Magnets: Rell keeps resists for the full duration of the Passive buff, even if the target dies
  • REMOVED – Rode Off: Passive no longer deals bonus magic damage on hit
  • REMOVED – Into The: Hitting a new target no longer refreshes the Passive duration on all targets
  • REMOVED – Sunset: Passive no longer applies to minions

Q – Shattering Strike 

  • Stunning Strike: Q now stuns all targets hit for 0.75 seconds
  • REMOVED – Who Needs Heals Anyway: Q no longer heals Rell or her allies
  • Range: 685 units in front of Rell, 150 behind Rell ⇒ 520 in front of Rell, 220 behind Rell
  • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds
  • Magic Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 (+50% AP) ⇒ 60/95/130/165/200 (+50% AP)
  • Cast Time: 0.35 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • NEW – Jungle Rell: Deals 250% damage to jungle camps
  • NEW – A Swing and a (Hopefully) Hit: When Rell casts Q, she moves 100 units forward as she takes a step to swing removed
  • REMOVED – All The Damages: On old Rell, Q did reduced damage to enemies after the first, and only applied passive to the first enemy hit. Now it does full damage and applies passive to all enemies hit

W – Ferromancy: Crash Down 

  • NEW – Dismounted Bonus Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
  • NEW – Dismounted Bonus Attack Range: Gain 75 Attack Range
  • Dismounted Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 10% ⇒ 12%
  • Dismounted Movement Speed : Reduced to 280 flat ⇒ Reduced by 15% (Note: this will be a nerf early game and a buff late game.)
  • REMOVED – Can’t Stop Me Now: Rell no longer has a movement speed cap while dismounted
  • Magic Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+60%AP) ⇒ 70/100/130/160/190 (+60%AP)
  • Shield Value: 35/60/85/110/135 (+12% maximum health) ⇒ 30/55/80/105/130 (+10% maximum health)
  • Maximum Slide Distance: 375 ⇒ 320
  • AoE Radius Form: 200 ⇒ 180
  • Jump Range: 500 ⇒ 400
  • Knock Up Duration: 1 second ⇒ 0.75 seconds
  • Slidespeed: 85% of jump speed ⇒ 100% of jump speed
  • NEW – Actually Jungle Rell Though: Now deals 250% damage to jungle camps

W – Ferromancy: Mount Up 

  • REMOVED – Mounted Bonus Movement Speed: Rell no longer gains bonus passive movement speed while mounted.
  • Initial Movement Speed Bonus: 25/30/45/40/45% for 3.5 seconds ⇒ 30% that rapidly decays over 1 second

E – Attract and Repel 

  • NEW – Passive – Mounted Alacrity: Rell gains 5/8/11/14/17/20/24/28/32/36/40/45/50 move speed while mounted at levels 1-13, reduced by 50% in combat.
  • NEW – Active – Full Tilt: Rell and an ally charge, gaining ramping Movement Speed up to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% over 3 seconds, this is doubled to 30/35/40/45/50% toward enemies or each other. Additionally, Rell’s next Attack or Shattering Strike explodes in an area for 25/35/45/55/65 (+40% AP) (+2/2.5/3/3.5/4% Maximum Health Damage).

Akali Update

Q base damage decreased.

” Akali is currently struggling to pull off her cool ninja shenanigans in both solo queue and Pro play. In this patch we’re looking to buff her Q damage slightly so that she has a more manageable time in lane before scaling into the slippery assassin we know her to be. “

Q – Five Point Strike 

  • Magic Damage: 30/55/80/105/130 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP) ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP)

Amumu Update

W damage decreased.

“Amumu might be lonely in lore, but he hasn’t been left out of the patch notes recently. Our 13.9 buffs went a bit overboard, specifically on the power of his early clear and skirmishing. So we’re going to lower them back down to near the previous values, but leave the scaling damage increase on Despair”

W – Despair 

  • Base Damage per Tick (0.5 seconds): 10 ⇒ 7

Aphelios Update

Passive bonus AD decreased.

“Since Aphelios typically likes to spec into AD early, he’s able to leverage the extra damage to dominate early laning which feels a little odd considering he’s more of the scaling silent type. This should help make laning against him a bit easier for opponents.”

Passive – The Hitman and the Seer 

  • Bonus Attack Damage: 5/10/15/20/25/30 ⇒ 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27

Aurelion Sol Update

E mana cost increased, magic damage AP ratio decreased.

“Mages as a whole got a small power increase from the changes in patch 13.10, including the already powerful ones. Our friendly space dragon was already sitting above the stars, so we have a few changes to bring him down to earth. We’re making his Singularity cost more mana in the early laning phase to help opponents delay his farming while also lessening how much damage the spell does due to its incredibly good utility scaling”

E – Singularity 

  • Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100
  • Magic Damage per Tick (0.25 seconds): 2.5/3.75/5/6.25/7.5 (6.25% AP) ⇒2.5/3.75/5/6.25/7.5 (5% AP)

Azir Update

Q cooldown decreased. W summon range increased, AP ratio increased.

” Azir’s skill bracket skew has flattened significantly and he isn’t seeing any Pro play, which means there’s some room for smaller buffs. This time around, we’re aiming for changes that have been specifically requested by live Azir players, so the goal here is that he’ll be a much more satisfying champion without breaking the Pro play bank. “

Q – Conquering Sands 

  • Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6 seconds ⇒ 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 seconds

W – Arise! 

  • Summon Range: 500 ⇒ 525
  • Magic Damage: 0-92 (based on level) (+50/67/84/101/118) (+55% AP) ⇒ 0-92 (based on level) (+50/67/84/101/118)(+60% AP)

Ivern Update

Q follow up adjusted, cast range increased, now refunds cooldown when used on non-Epic monsters. W adjusted, now gives allies bonus on-hit damage, vision from spawn duration increased, brush despawn conditions changed. E shield now refreshes if no enemies were hit by the detonation. Daisy stats adjusted, Slam! Damage increased

 “With buff sharing becoming a part of the game this patch, we wanted to offer Ivern some buffs to the rest of his kit in exchange for removing his unique mechanic. Overall these changes shouldn’t be too transformative, but his base spells should feel better in almost every situation they’re cast in. Ivern’s Q will be able to reach between most camps on both sides of the map, and Daisy should feel a lot more responsive with faster attacks and move speed!

If you go through the change list, you’ll quickly realize that this isn’t the midscope we promised for Ivern. The reason we’ve decided to not give Ivern a midscope this patch is because player feedback around our proposed midscope was indicating we were on the wrong track, and internally we just didn’t feel like the designs were hitting the quality bar to ship. So for now, we’re offering Ivern some buffs that will help him become a healthier tree until he’s ready for a transplant.” 

Q – Rootcaller 

  • Jump for Joy!: Ivern can now recast Q to jump directly to the target, while Ivern and allies can issue an attack command to move to their auto attack range’s distance away from the target.
  • Cast Range: 1100 ⇒ 1150
  • Non-Epic Change: Q’s cooldown is now reduced by 50% when used on non-Epic monsters.

W – Brushmaker 

  • Redefining Death Bush: Brushmaker’s Passive bonus magic damage on-hit when exiting the brush for 3 seconds now applies to ally champions.
  • Ally On-Hit Damage: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 (+10% Ivern’s AP)
  • Brush Spawn Vision Duration: 3 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds
  • Brush Duration: 30 seconds ⇒ Up to a maximum of 45 seconds or until your team loses vision inside of them
  • Lookie!: Auto attacks empowered with Brushmaker now have a special visual effect to reflect the on-hit damage (note: this change is visual only).

E – Triggerseed 

  • Change: If, when the shield detonates, there are no enemies that are hit by the detonation and the shield has not been broken, the duration of the shield is renewed.

R – Daisy 

  • Daisy Attack Range: 125 ⇒ 175
  • Daisy HP Regeneration: 0 ⇒ 2.5 health per second
  • Daisy Movement Speed: 420 ⇒ 440
  • Daisy Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75
  • Daisy’s Bonus Attack Speed: 30/50/70 ⇒ 30/45/60
  • Daisy, Slam! Damage: 100% of Daisy’s AD (+20% AP) ⇒ 40/60/80 (+100% of Daisy’s AD) (+20% AP)

Jinx Update

Attack speed growth decreased.

 “Jinx has been getting away with strong laning phases despite her identity being a scaling marksman. We’re reverting her Attack Speed Growth introduced in patch 13.5 to reduce her overall rocket DPS.”

Base Stats 

  • Attack Speed Growth: 1.36 ⇒ 1

Kalista Update

Base health increased, health regeneration increased, attack damage decreased. Passive vision interaction adjusted, on-hit damage increased. Q damage increased. E cooldown decreased, damage adjusted.

” Kalista’s auto attacks are feeling weak at the moment due to the 90% total AD ratio and missing during vision loss. We noticed that Kalista was really hurting after 13.10, so we’re targeting some pretty large buffs aimed at usability and durability for her. The changes to base AD, Q, and E keep her damage output roughly equal to before. “

Base Stats 

  • Base Health: 574 ⇒ 600
  • Health Regeneration: 3.75 ⇒ 4
  • Health Regeneration Growth: 0.55 ⇒ 0.75
  • Attack Damage: 66 ⇒ 61
  • Attack Damage Growth: 3.75 ⇒ 3.25

Passive – Martial Poise 

  • You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide: Kalista’s basic attacks no longer miss if a target leaves vision.
  • Damage Dealt On-Hit: 90% of total AD ⇒ 100% of total AD

Q – Pierce 

  • Physical Damage: 20/85/150/215/280 (+100% AD) ⇒ 20/85/150/215/280 (+105% AD)

E – Rend 

  • Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds at all ranks
  • Physical Damage Per Extra Stack: 10/16/22/28/34 (+23.2/27.55/31.9/36.25/40.6% AD) (+20% AP) ⇒ 8/12/16/20/24 (+25/30/35/40/45% AD) (+20% AP)

Rek’Sai Update

Passive refresh rate increased, heal increased. Q (Unburrowed) cooldown now decreases with rank, buff duration decreased, attacks refresh buff duration, buff no longer ends prematurely when underground, (Burrowed) vision duration increased. W adjusted.

” Rek’Sai was one of the non-Assassin champions that was bound to the old Prowler’s Claw and took a big hit in power with its removal. We’re taking this opportunity to shift Rek’Sai away from Assassin-burst builds (which her kit was never really made to support) and move her strengths towards a more durable Fighter with a chunkier passive heal and better feeling auto attacks. We’re also including a few small QoL buffs that should make playing the Queen feel a bit more royal.”

Passive – Fury of the Xer’Sai 

  • Tremor Sense Refresh Rate: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • Heal with Maximum Fury: 20-190 (based on level) ⇒ [15 (+20 for every 3 levels)] + [2% (+2% Maximum HP for every 3 levels)]

Q – Queen’s Wrath (Unburrowed) 

  • Cooldown: 4 seconds at all levels ⇒ 4/3.5/3/2.5/2 based on rank
  • Buff Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • NEW – Hit and Buff: Basic attacks now refresh the buff duration of Queen’s Wrath
  • REMOVED – Not So Fast: Q’s buff no longer ends prematurely if Rek’Sai is Burrowed for more than 1.5 seconds.

Q – Queen’s Wrath (Burrowed) 

  • Reveal Duration: 2.5 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds

W – Unburrow 

  • QoL patch Update: Targeted range increased to match untargeted range. (Note: This will mean that the optimization where it was better to line Rek’Sai up to the edge of your knock up and press W at the perfect time instead of just clicking on the opponent has been removed.)

Renekton Update

E cooldown decreased. R cooldown decreased, magic damage increased.

” Renekton has been a bit weak in solo queue, feeling more like a plush than a terrifying butcher, so we’re looking to decrease his E cooldown to bring the timing a bit closer to his other abilities. This will give Renekton more opportunities to engage/escape, and will make losing the Prowler’s Claw active not feel as bad. We’re also looking to increase both the power and uptime of his ultimate.”

E – Slice and Dice 

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

R – Dominus 

  • Cooldown: 120 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Magic Damage Per Tick (0.5 seconds): 25/50/75 ⇒ 30/60/90

Twisted Fate Update

W cooldown decreased, no longer decreases with rank.

“Twisted Fate’s been drawing quite a few of the wrong cards recently, and he could use the odds being a little more in his favor. Lowering the cooldown on his W should give him more opportunities to draw what he needs and put more pressure on his opponents early. “

W – Pick A Card 

  • Change: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks

And that’s all the Champion updates that have been announced, we hope that some of these have made gameplay a little easier and more balanced this time. As always with League we are thankful for their Dev team delving so deep into the mechanics of what and why they have updated and changed.

Rebecca Barrett is a writer for WePC. She has always had an interest in fantasy and gaming which translates into her passion for writing and PC building.

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