The latest season of Destiny 2 is about to draw to a close, and as The Season Of The Worthy draws ever closer to its end, players are getting excited about what’s next for them in the world of Destiny 2. With that in mind, David Dague (Communications Director of Bungie) has written a few hints as to when players can expect their next hit of Destiny 2 content
According to David, players shouldn’t be expecting a fancy live presentation of the next stage of Destiny 2. Instead, they should be on the lookout for an internet update on the game – as the crew of Bungie is all working in isolation to combat the coronavirus.
That being said, he did promise that an update would be coming soon, as those who are close fans of Destiny 2 will know that we are arriving at that point in the year when updates on Destiny 2 are usually dropped.
David left off his message with a vague statement that Destiny 2 fans should follow the @Bungie tag for all updates in the future, and that they would be streaming the announcement in the usual places, which will include not only information on the next season of Destiny 2 but also the next chapter in Destiny 2’s story.
Already there is a lot for fans to dig into with that statement – but Bungie’s Production Designer Justin Truman took to the same blog post further down, and he seemed to attach a date to the announcements David was alluding to.
After talking about how much he loved working on Destiny 2, and the commitment that Bungie had to the game, Justin mentioned that ‘In 12 days, we can’t wait to show you more of what we’ve been working on’.
That statement puts a tentative June 9th date on any future announcements coming from Bungie regarding Destiny 2 – but everything is up for change at the moment. We have already seen the likes of Sony moving around their announcement dates and press conferences, so we will have to wait and see what June 9th brings in terms of Destiny 2 announcements.
Excited for the next season of Destiny 2? Got some ideas a\bout what could be next in the game’s story? Let us know in the comments below.