Home » PC Tech & Gaming News » Finally, there’s an Uninterruptable Power Supply built for gaming

Finally, there’s an Uninterruptable Power Supply built for gaming

You might not know you need this until you actually need it

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We, well most of us, take a lot of things for granted. Electricity is one such example and while, at face value, it’s a real first world problem if your Call of Duty game suddenly gets ruined by a power cut, but there are technical reasons why you certainly don’t want this to happen often.

Sudden spikes and surges in electricity are particularly harsh on the fragile state many PC and console components live in, and it’s certainly not unheard to end up with something like a corrupted hard drive or worse. Power surges can be a disaster just as much as a power loss.

Uninterruptable Power Supplies have been around for an age, mainly focused on keeping things like servers and essential computers up and running but now Schneider Electric has announced a model specifically targeted at the gaming market.

Generally, these devices work by charging up capacitors or batteries than can keep your gear powered up for a few minutes giving you enough time to shut down correctly, rather than the juice just disappearing and, potentially even worse, firing back up with a big spike a few seconds later.

If you live in an area with an unreliable electricity supply this could be a really important item to put on your shopping list.

It isn’t however going to be a cheap one. Launching on October 21st it will be available for pre0order on Amazon priced at $259.99, which is a considerable addition to the price of your new console, but what cost do you put on peace of mind?

If you’re wondering what power supply your gaming pc needs just use our PSU Calculator to find out.

It has got RGB lighting though to prove it’s aimed at gaming.

Editor - Gaming AT WEPC

Paul McNally

Paul has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision. He spent over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title. Has written gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian Playstation Magazine, PlayStation Pro, Amiga Action, Mega Action, ST Action, GQ, Loaded, and the Daily Mirror. Former champion shoot 'em-up legend