If there are any Warframe players out there that are unaware, Warframe promo codes are free redeemable codes that you can exchange for free items or Glyphs. We have compiled a list of in-date and expired promo codes, so you can try and redeem them and pick yourself up some free stuff now. These Warframe codes will work on PC, Xbox, and the PS4, and while most of the time they are free Glyphs, you could pick up other items like weapons.
There are quite a lot of Twitch promotions with Warframe and previously Twitch had a 9-month long promo, giving players free in-game loot. Twitch continues its support, offering monthly bundles, however, this is for amazon Prime members.
Warframe Promo Codes
Companies like Twitch, Intel, Steelseries have all previously held special promo codes for Warframe in the past but are going to be looking at the current active ones available now in August.
- LadyTheLaddy
- ColdScar
- ColdTiger
- Copykavat
- Dastercreations
- Floofydwagon
- Kavatsschroedinger
- L1Fewater
- Mhblacky
- Pammyjammy
- Ragingterror
- Shenzhao
- Studiocyen
- Thegamio
- Vamppire
- Zarionis
- DNexus
- Dayjobo
- Avelna
- Cephalonsquared
- Missfwuffy
- Iflynn
- Joriale
- Alainlove
- Elnoraeleo
- Empyreancap
- Frostynovaprime
- Ikedo
- RainbowWaffles
- Royalprat
- Tennoforever
- K1Llerbarbie
- Warframewiki
- Facelessbeanie
- Cpt_Kim
- Pyrah
- Oddieowl
- Rustyfin
- RelentlessZen
- Trashframe
- Debbysheen
- Hotshomstories
- MadFury
- Justrlc
- FeelLikeAPlayer
- Macho
- AGayGuyPlays
- NoSympathyy
- RebelDustyPinky
- SarahTsang
- Rippz0r
- OrpheusDeluxe
- TioMario
- PokketNinja
- SerdarSari
- Tanchan
- Amprov
- TinBears
- Xenogelion
- Woxli
- VoidFissureBR
- Sn0wRC
- ToxickToe
- TioRamon
- Smoodie
- Sapmatic
- ReyGanso
- PostiTV
- MrSteelWar
- GlamShatterSkull
- MichelPostma
- McMonkeys
- Kr1ptonPlayer
- Kiwad
- IWoply
- InfoDiversao
- Hydroxate
- Endotti
- Emovj
- Eduiy16
How To Redeem Warframe Promo Codes
Head over to the Warframe promo code redeeming website, type in your code, and click ‘Submit Code’. Now you can enjoy your free gear.
Are There Codes To Redeem Platinum Warframe?
Unfortunately, no, you cannot redeem Warframe Platinum with promo codes. You can get 10% off Warframe platinum when you refer a friend and there is also a chance to win 75% off with a daily tribute.