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How to use Bipod in BattleBit Remastered

Updated: Jun 28, 2023 7:05 pm
How to use Bipod in BattleBit Remastered

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BattleBit Remastered features a great number of weapons, but some of them are difficult to control due to their recoil. Thankfully, there exist various attachments in the game which can make things easier, such as the Bipod. And in this guide, we are going to talk about how to use the Bipod in BattleBit Remastered to make your shots accurate.

BattleBIt Remastered – How can I use the Bipod?

To use the Bipod, you must lie on the ground or get near cover. The Bipod will automatically deploy and stick to the ground, after which you won’t have to worry about facing any recoil problems. Keep in mind that the Bipod will be placed whenever you use your weapon while resting it against any flat surface.

While the Bipod will get enabled automatically, you have to keep it enabled first. This can be done by pressing the ‘X’ key on the keyboard for PC or the Down D-Pad button on the controller. You can change the key binding by going to the settings through the main menu. In case the Bipod is not activating due to a bug, restart the game.

Which weapons can use the Bipod in BattleBit Remastered?

The Bipod is an excellent attachment for those who find it difficult to control the recoil of specific weapons. It can only be used with LMGs and Sniper Rifles, as these two weapon types offer the highest amount of recoil, which ruins their accuracy. LMGs are meant for medium-range combat, while Snipers excel at long-range. You don’t really need it with weapons like Assault Rifles or a pistol.

If you’re using a Sniper, you can use the Bipod to land shots accurately. Every shot you take will have a much higher chance of landing on your target if you use this attachment. In other words, thanks to this, you won’t waste any bullets or run out of ammo quickly.

On the other hand, the Bipod can help tone down the massive recoil of LMGs. However, keep in mind that throwing a Bipod into an LMG will increase its weight, meaning that your movement speed will be affected. In other words, creating destruction using an LMG will come at the cost of slow movement speed. You can also use an RPG for this, though.

It is important to remember that if you’re using a Sniper, you will most likely spend most of your time at a single spot. Therefore, make sure to wear armor in case you become the target of the enemy sniper. You can use bandages, though, if you end up getting hurt.

While there are much better attachments available, the Bipod is useful for new players. Learning how to use Bipod in Battlebit Remastered can help you do wonders, as nothing is better than a weapon with little recoil. However, don’t expect the attachment to do everything for you, as you will need to improve your aim to get the most out of it.

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