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Best starting Mercs in Jagged Alliance 3

Updated: Jul 27, 2023 4:16 pm
Best starting Mercs in Jagged Alliance 3

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In this guide, we’ll be covering the best starting Mercs in Jagged Alliance 3. Jagged Alliance 3 is a tactical turn-based combat game that allows you to choose from a list of mercenaries to create a team that is capable of liberating the country of Gand Chien from the paramilitary force known as The Legion.

There are many different mercenaries to choose from. Will you take on the medic to administer first aid or the mechanic? What about the hitman? You will need stealth, traps, agility, and plenty of useful perks if you want to take back control of the countryside.

Mercenaries cost money so you will want to make sure to collect it. The best mercenaries, however, may not be as much as you think. Make sure you have a balanced team and you aren’t hiring those that aren’t worth your time. Here are the best mercs in Jagged Alliance 3.

Best mercenaries in Jagged Alliance 3

There are a lot of mercenaries to choose from in Jagged Alliance 3 with some of them being better than others. Some of the best to hire right away are:

  1. Steroid
  2. Magic
  3. Gus
  4. Reaper
  5. Fox

These five have proven to be pretty handy when dealing with the enemy forces on Grand Chien. Some honorable mentions are Livewire, Wolf, Grunty, Barry, Igor, Fidel, and Vicki. Bring a friend and let them join as well. Let’s go further into each character.

Bobby “Steroid” Gontarski

Steroid is great for playing the role of the sniper or the mechanic. Since he has a 91 in his marksmanship. While he doesn’t have the best accuracy, he isn’t the most expensive merc. His strength and dexterity also help out in a fight should the need arise.

Earl “Magic” Walker

Magic is perhaps the best all-rounder when it comes to his stats. Unfortunately, he can only be bought with gold so be prepared to pay the cost. He has amazing scores of 95 health, 99 agility, 98 dexterity, 92 strength, 94 marksmanship, and 91 mechanical. He also has a 50% increase critical hit chance when attacking from higher ground.

Gus Tarballs

Gus is perhaps the best merc you can get. Unfortunately, he cannot be bought. This retired mercenary is only able to be unlocked by progressing through the campaign and coaxing him out of retirement. Of course, this pays off when you realize that all of his skills are above 70 and he starts off at the highest level.

Carl “Reaper” Sheppards

Reaper is a hitman that isn’t afraid to take down a few raiders. Like Magic, he can only be bought with gold so he comes at a high price. Luckily, this is worth the expense since the skilled marksman has very impressive stats and a perk that allows him to cause panic in enemies when he gets a critical hit.

Cynthia “Fox” Guzzman

Fox is a great medic that boasts some amazing stats for being on the lower end of the price scale. She has an amazing 100 dexterity and a high agility score that help out in fights. While she can’t hack devices, she is well-equipped to handle a large range of weapons which makes her an asset on the battlefield.

Aden is an avid gamer with a love for RPGs. He isn't afraid to scour the dungeon or raid the castle.

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