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What graphics modes are available for Jedi Survivor on PS5?

Updated: Apr 30, 2023 11:17 am
What graphics modes are available for Jedi Survivor on PS5?

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With the newest generation of consoles being so powerful, users now have choices on how they want their games to look instead of just being given premade unchangeable graphics options. Jedi Survivor seems to be following the trend by offering different graphics options to pick from. Let’s go over what each graphics option offers and which you should use.

Jedi Survivor graphics modes On PS5

For the PS5 release of Jedi Survivor, you will be able to pick between two different graphics settings. One will make sure the game is locked at 60 FPS but the quality will vary in order to maintain that FPS lock. The other option will lock the game at 30 FPS in order to give you a 4k quality experience.

If you are trying to pick a mode to use, it can vary depending on what you want to do. For normal play, you will most likely want to use the performance mode in order to keep the game locked at 60 FPS. This will ensure you have the smoothest experience possible and a larger reaction window as you will see more of an attack before it hits.

But if you are trying to take some pictures or make some cinema pieces in the game, you will want to use the quality mode. This will ensure that the game looks as nice as possible and should be at around 4k quality most of the time.

The quality mode will also lock the game at 30 FPS which is why you don’t want to use it for regular play. This can make gameplay a bit difficult and choppy to look at, which is definitely not ideal for gameplay. Luckily, you will be able to change the graphics modes on the fly to allow you to quickly pick what you want.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor PS5 controller settings
PS5 controller settings

What is the Performance mode on PS5?

Performance mode on Jedi: Survivor PS5 is a display option that prioritizes smooth gameplay performance by increasing the frames per second while reducing the graphic quality of the game. This mode targets 60FPS to provide a more responsive and fluid gaming experience. Performance mode is ideal for players who prefer faster gameplay and have a preference for frame rates over graphical fidelity.

What is the Graphics mode on PS5?

Graphics mode on Jedi: Survivor PS5 is a display option that prioritizes visual quality over performance by lowering the frames per second to stay around 30FPS to make the graphics look more detailed and refined. This mode targets 4K resolution to provide players with a more immersive and cinematic experience. Graphics mode is ideal for players who enjoy rich graphical environments and prefer high visual quality over faster gameplay.

Should I pick Graphics Mode or Performance Mode on Jedi Survivor?

The decision between Graphics mode and Performance mode on Jedi: Survivor PS5 ultimately depends on personal preference. If you prioritize smooth and responsive gameplay, Performance mode is the best choice as it provides a high FPS count. On the other hand, if you prefer stunning graphics and visual quality, Graphics mode is the way to go.

It’s worth noting that the difference between the two modes isn’t that significant, and both offer a satisfying experience. Therefore, players can choose the mode that best suits their playstyle and the type of gaming experience they want to have.

Final word

The ability to choose between different graphics options in video games has become a popular trend in the newest generation of consoles, and Jedi Survivor is following suit.

On PS5, players have the choice between Performance mode, which prioritizes smooth and responsive gameplay, and Graphics mode, which prioritizes stunning graphics and visual quality. The decision between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference and the type of gaming experience each player wants to have.

Regardless of which mode you choose, both offer a satisfying experience, and the ability to switch between modes on the fly allows for flexibility in gameplay. Overall, Jedi Survivor’s graphics options give players the ability to customize their gaming experience to their liking.

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