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What is the Darkest Dungeon 2 download size?

Updated: May 3, 2023 2:11 am
What is the Darkest Dungeon 2 download size?

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With Darkest Dungeon 2 nearing its release, players are yearning even more by the day to download the full game, making them wonder how much space it needs for its download size. The differences in gameplay and new mechanics in the new Darkest Dungeon game are sure to impact its storage size. So, keep digging into our guide to find out how much space you need for the upcoming title.

How much size does Darkest Dungeon 2 require?

Darkest Dungeon 2 is expected to ask for the space of 6GB. However, there might be additional downloadable content released in the future that would accumulate the game’s size. For now, the game has a daily low size since it doesn’t have heavy features like an open world or intense fights. Rather it has a subtle pace that the player can adjust to and take with their own flow while fighting mobs in a turned-based style. 

Moreover, Darkest Dungeons 2 is mainly focused on combat and gear upgrades which are designed to have really minimal hardware demands. Nevertheless, we still see an increase in the overall game size as compared to its sequel, which is capped at 2GB of space. 

Why Is Darkest Dungeon 2 Larger Than Darkest Dungeon?

Darkest Dungeon 2 requires more storage space than its sequel due to the game’s fresh new combat mechanics, regions, and carriage system. Let’s find out what the new game has for us in store and what’s contributing to the increase in the total file size of the rogue-like. It may not have split-screen, but it has these features:

New Combat Mechanics

Darkest Dungeon 2 introduces more of an RPG system for the characters, this time to have unique roles for them in battle. Furthermore, positioning of characters is imperative since you will only be able to use some skills of your heroes if they’re placed at the right spot. 

Stress can be healed using many different techniques like killing enemies or disarming taps, otherwise, it can trigger a meltdown (new mechanic), reducing 10% and 15% Death Blow Resistance debuff. While these new additions add to the entertainment of the game, they also contribute to the file size.

Carriage System

Unlike the previous Darkest Dungeon, where you had a minimap to navigate through rooms and fight monsters, the new game allows you to take The Stagecoach and control it over the course of your journey. You’ll have multiple options on your way to deciding which route you’d like to pick, which would impact your trip. With such a big change in the game’s travel, the size of the game observes the difference.

Encouraging Intra-Party Relations

To add a layer of realism, Darkest Dungeon 2 has an Affinity mechanic which encourages the role of developing healthy intra-party relations by siding with different opinions of your heroes in various situations. 

Good relations can allow your heroes to automatically perform actions in the battle to switch the odds in your favor. This can be a double-edged sword as it can also bring doom upon your party if one of your members’ viewpoints has been antagonized frequently.

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