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Best Karakuri Staff combos in Wild Hearts

Updated: Feb 17, 2023 1:18 pm
Best Karakuri Staff combos in Wild Hearts

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The Karakuri Staff in Wild Hearts is comprised of five main weapons that it can transform into at a moments notice, making for a huge damage output. Plenty of weapons, plenty of combos.

With all these different weapon arcs, blades and special moves, no one would blame you for getting confused or needing a guide, as it’s quite overwhelming. One great way to get in practice is with combos, so here’s the best Karakuri Staff combos in Wild Hearts.

How does the Karakuri Staff work?

The Karakuri Staff is four weapons by default; the staff, the spear, the shuriken and the dual blades. Each of these weapons has a light combo, and a heavier special attack. So far, so good, and fairly straight forward.

However, unlike what this design might lead you to believe, these weapons are not meant to be treated individually, nor are they meant to exploit certain situations. Instead, much like the combat system in games like God of War: Ragnarok, you’re supposed to flow between each weapon in one continuous movement.

In essence, it should be treated as a weapon with a lot of move sets that you can use, and not a weapon that involves you learning five different weapons. Got it? Okay, let’s move on to the combos.

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Karakuri Staff combo list

With all of this information in mind, let’s take a look at all the weapons different combos, starting off with the Staff:

Staff combos

  • A light 3-4 hit striking combo
  • A heavy 1 hit downward leaping strike

Dual blade combos

  • A light 6 hit horizontal slashing combo
  • A heavy long distance leaping 5 hit slash

Shuriken combos

  • A light 3 hit swipe
  • A heavy throwing projectile attack with multiple spinning hits

Spear combos

  • 2-3 hit long swiping light attacks
  • A wind up vertical slash with multiple hits

Now that we’ve identified what all of these weapons do, which combos are the best?

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Best Karakuri Staff combos

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as having one combo that’s better, in fact, there’s not a particular order that appears to be optimal either. As we mentioned earlier, the weapon should be treated as a continuous flow of attacks, and not four weapons you can swap to.

This means that something else happens during an attack which helps you produce the best Karakuri staff combo.

As you’re attacking with a weapon, you will notice that you character will flash for a moment. If you press the mutate/transform button as this is happening, you will smoothly transition into the next weapon, and into the next part of the combo. This will continue over and over.

Every time you successfully do this, you will add to your Mutation Meter. This is where the previously mentioned fifth weapon comes into play: The Juggernaut Blade.

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How to use the Juggernaut Blade

The Juggernaut Blade signifies the end of the perfect combo for the Karakuri Staff. As your Mutation Meter gets to 4 segments, you can now use this enormous blade. Between 4-9 you can do a two hit combo. However, filling the bar completely will optimising the stopping power of this weapon. This deals massive damage.

This finishing move of the combo is the highest damage in all of Wild Hearts.

So, there you have it, start off with the great sprint attack the Karakuri Staff provides, and begin to chain all of the weapons together to output the most damage and the best Karakuri Staff combos.

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