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Is Unrecord coming to PS5? – prediction

PC Unrecord has got some good attention, but what about the PS5 version?

Updated: Apr 27, 2023 2:05 pm
Is Unrecord coming to PS5? – prediction

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With quite the noise around it, there is now plenty of chatter around the new upcoming game. And although the Uncrecord release date is yet unknown you may be wondering about the console port of it. So we look to see, if is Unrecord coming to PS5.

The game caused some controversy, with a realistic-looking design, it was thought the gameplay was in fact just normal footage. Having to then show off the behind-the-scenes on Twitter, the game jumped up in popularity and news. Which has led to a bigger following on its Steam. So if you’re wanting to play the game but not on PC, a console port would be ideal.

Is Unrecord coming to PS5?

As a game built on Unreal Engine 5, it has a lot of potential for release and accessibility on different hardware. It also means it is supported on the Playstation 5, although it will have to get approved on there first and be ported well especially to work with a controller.

To further this, the developers have held a post-reveal information article. There they outline the development of the game, with what is expected in the future for the game. And at the bottom of the team answers the question about porting the game. In it they specify it running fine on a keyboard and controller, so would have no issues porting it to consoles. Although they have not yet decided on which specific platforms to aim for and will continue to update during the development process.

DRAMA has also said that it is not a VR game and it won’t be in virtual reality. They are considering also adding in global localization, at least for the subtitles, helping with accessibility throughout the platform. You should also consider not asking them about beta testing.

Unrecord porting qustion and answer with an undecided decision on which platforms

When is Unrecord coming to PS5?

If you’re still eager to know when the game is coming to the console, we have a look at any potential Unrecord release date news. Currently, even the PC version of the game has no release date in mind, not even a year. But it seems, the game is likely to try to release at the same time on console and PC. But this might come in a few years rather than months.

With a background in engineering and PC gaming, Seb is a staff writer with a focus on GPU, storage, and power supplies. Also one of tech supports in the office he likes helping and solving problems.

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