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Jedi: Survivor how to beat the Rancor

Updated: Apr 29, 2023 10:46 am
Jedi: Survivor how to beat the Rancor

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Jedi Survivor won’t baby the player for long. While you will have your short tutorial planet, where you can learn some basic force powers, how to use your stances, and some special moves you can use in combat.

Then, you will be quickly thrown to Koboh and set loose to do whatever you want and face whoever you can. Explore the planet to find upgrades and customization options and then stumble across a giant beast that can easily tear you apart. The Rancor makes its appearance and it is one of the first walls you will hit. Let’s go over how you can defeat the Rancor in Jedi Survivor.

How to defeat the Rancor in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

You are going to have to take this fight a bit slow and cautiously if you want to beat the Rancor, as it will be able to kill you in just two hits at the point you are in Jedi Survivor. If you manage to come back later with some dual sabers and more health, it will be a breeze though.

You won’t be able to parry most of the Rancor’s attacks, instead look to dodge them in some way and then get close to land some blows of your own on him. After a few good swings, you will want to back off and get ready to dodge the next set of attacks the Rancor will do.

You will want to use the Single Stance for most of the fight as it is a bit faster than the Crossguard stance and you will need the speed. Use your speed to your advantage to dodge the Rancor’s one-hit kill lunge attack. As if it manages to grab Cal it is all over for you, no matter your health.

The Rancor also has a slam attack you will need to look out for. However, it is not as deadly as the grab attack. Just make sure to jump over when you see the shockwave coming and land next to the Rancor to deal some damage while it stands back up.

As long as you take the fight slowly and play cautiously, you should be able to clear it eventually. You will die plenty of times taking on the Rancor but this can help you out as picking up your XP points will restore your health and force bar. Try to save the XP recovery until you take a bit of damage, just make sure to not die again without picking it up as you will lose all of that XP if you do.

With how big of a game Jedi Survivor is, we knew that we were getting some big new enemies. But no one expected to see a Rancor right out of the gate on the first planet. While it is a bit out of the way, you will run into it the same way you ran into the Oggdo Bogdo for your poncho.

By exploring around near the end of the Sodden Grotto on Koboh, you can find a few little goodies and upgrades with the Rancor suddenly appearing in your path of exploration. However, you can take him down, with a lot of effort.

Before you begin trying to beat the Rancor, you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that this fight is nothing like the Vader Fight. It is designed to be unfair and you won’t be able to clear it on your first try.


Where is the Rancor in Jedi Survivor?

To find the Rancor in Jedi Survivor, you need to explore near the end of the Sodden Grotto on Koboh. It will be in the underground mine area a distance away from the roller mine factory.

How do you beat rancor?

To beat the Rancor in Jedi Survivor you want to opt for a method of attack and dodge. Going for the single stance for speed, you won’t be able to parry the attacks. Instead, you have to dodge, and run in with a few attacks and run out again. You have to adopt a fast and agile strategy over Rancor’s slow heavy hitters. Take your time if you need as there’s no need to take risks and get caught.

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