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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor how to use Force Slow

Updated: Apr 30, 2023 10:18 am
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor how to use Force Slow

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Force Slow is not a normal Jedi ability that has appeared across the canon universe. When the Force ability does appear, it is typically in video games. Back in the age of Jedi Fallen Order, you had access to the Force Slow ability and it helped out a lot when dealing with multiple enemies in combat.

Slowing a boss down to avoid an attack was the difference between life and death. Cal is back in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and he has most of the same abilities he had before, including Force Slow. This guide will show you how to use Force Slow in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

How to use Force Slow

Jedi Survivor Force Slow Attack

There are actually two ways to use Force Slow in Jedi Survivor. Unlike your other Force abilities like Force Push and Force Pull, Force Slow is purely combat focused. This means that you won’t find yourself using it outside of combat. During combat, Force Slow is effective against a wide range of foes.

The first way you can use Force Slow is with your lightsaber. When you use Force Slow in this way, you will see Cal’s movement become blurred and you can use a special attack. This is done by pressing the triangle button on PlayStation, the Y button on Xbox, or the F Key on PC.

Jedi Survivor Force Slow Meter

The other way you can use Force Slow is by casting it out in a wide range. This ability becomes available very early on in the game during the Coruscant level. Once unlocked, you can press both the left and right stick on the controller at the same time or the 4 Key on the PC to use Force Slow. When used, it casts the ability out in a wide area, slowing down all enemies caught within it. You will also need to wait for the ability to recharge. You can see the meter for Force Slow at the bottom of the screen near your health bar. Much like your health, this can be upgraded later on.

Aden is an avid gamer with a love for RPGs. He isn't afraid to scour the dungeon or raid the castle.

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