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Will Reynauld and Dismas be in Darkest Dungeon 2

Updated: May 3, 2023 2:04 am
Will Reynauld and Dismas be in Darkest Dungeon 2

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If you’ve developed a liking for the Raynauld and Dismas characters and their styles, you probably hope to see them return in Darkest Dungeon 2. After all, they’re the two starting characters you got to choose in Darkest Dungeon, and everyone recruited these two at the beginning of the game. So, are these fan-favorite characters returning in Darkest Dungeon 2? 

Are Reynauld and Dismas in Darkest Dungeon 2?

Unfortunately, Reynauld did not return in Darkest Dungeons 2. Even though Red Hook’s newest release boasts an even wider array of characters, only Dismas makes an appearance in Darkest Dungeons 2, and even then, he isn’t recruitable as of yet. However, we’ve seen that the developers like to add more details and characters even in random updates, so we might just see the two play a more significant role later on. 

Who are Reynauld and Dismas in Darkest Dungeon?

Just to give you a little more insight into our beloved characters’ backstories and levels, Reynauld and Dismas are two recruitable characters that can tag along on your Darkest Dungeons adventures. Their skills are vastly different, as Reynauld relies on stealth and physical strength while Dismas is more of an expert marksman.

Reynauld is a skilled fighter who knows how to use Smite, Zealous Accusation, Stunning Blow, and Bulwark of Faith to his advantage. He has the Warrior of Light special trait, which is helpful in the early stages of the game. However, he also has a couple of flaws – which are the God Fearing and Kleptomaniac traits, meaning you could land in trouble as he has a tendency to snatch things that don’t belong to him. 

Dismas is proficient at using firearms in combat, able to take out enemies with Grapeshot Blast, track targets with precision using Tracking Shot, and inflict bleeding wounds with Open Vein. He also possesses two positive qualities: Hard Noggin, which makes him tough-headed, and Quick Reflexes, which help him react quickly in battle. On the flip side, he also has a negative trait in Known Cheat. Fortunately enough, the negative traits wouldn’t pose much of a problem during your Dungeon expeditions.

Where Is Reynauld in Darkest Dungeon 2?

Currently, we don’t really have much information on whether we’ll get to see Reynauld in Darkest Dungeons 2. A significant chunk of the player base seemed to prefer him over Dismas, so it’d truly be a shame if we never got to see the prodigal warrior make any kind of return. We can only hope that Red Hook Studios decide to pay ode to him in some kind of way unless this is some kind of sick punishment towards all the players who let Reynauld die on their watch.

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