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TF2 climbs into Steam’s top 10 best sellers out of nowhere

Updated: Jul 17, 2023 3:52 pm
TF2 climbs into Steam’s top 10 best sellers out of nowhere

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Team Fortress 2 is a game that was released by Valve in late 2007, the game is a team-based FPS that took the world by storm when it was first released and still has a surprising amount of players now. TF2 climbs into Steam’s top 10 best sellers out of nowhere but why?

Team Fortress 2 got an update

What could possibly need updating about a 16-year-old game? Well, that’s the thing, the update had little to do with the game and its mechanics. A lot of what made TF2 great, and I’m speaking from experience, was the cosmetics you could get in the game. Much like CS:GO, the game is driven in part by skins and cosmetic items for your characters.

team fortress 2 got an update

The game was updated with more cosmetic items, a 2023 summer cosmetics crate, new game modes, and more on the 12th of July 2023. This added more value to the game for players concerned with these cosmetics. More HATS!

This update coincidentally caused the highest concurrent player count the game has ever seen, with a peak of 253,997 players on the 12th of July 2023. Not bad for a game that’s 16 years old.

TF2 concurrent player count

This is massive and is what propelled the game into the top sellers list out of nowhere. But how is the game on the top sellers list if it’s free to play?

TF2 climbs into Steam’s top 10 best sellers out of nowhere

As it turns out, Steam’s top sellers list is not just calculated based on game purchases. According to Steamgames.com: “Top Sellers lists are generated automatically based on all revenue sources for a game, including DLC and in-game transactions. This allows the charts to reflect the games that players are most excited to invest in right now.

This is why you see CS:GO top the top sellers all day every day, even though that game has been free to play for years now. So it will have been the in-game transactions that have shot TF2 up to 9th place in Steam’s Best Sellers list for today.

tf2 climbs into top sellers

It’s not likely going to be there for long, but you can’t help but think “Huh? Good for TF2”. I for one naturally out-grew TF2 and moved onto the likes of CS:GO along with story games, but that doesn’t erase the amount of fun I had on Coldfront 24/7 playing with the huntsman accompanied by my friends. It’s nice to see something buried deep inside your childhood receive some love, after so many years.

TF2 may have climbed into Steam’s best-sellers list out of nowhere, but damn, is it well deserved.

Jack is a Tech and News Writer who has a vast and proficient knowledge of CPUs, Motherboards, and Computer technology.

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