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Can you change your appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Updated: Aug 24, 2023 10:22 am
Can you change your appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3?

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Do you want to change your character’s look in Baldur’s Gate 3? Many have been playing the game in early access on their PCs and experienced all the mechanics that Larian Studios has added. This includes in-depth character customization options.

There are many races and classes for you to choose from in Baldur’s Gate 3. In the character creation menu, you have tons of options as well such as eye color, maturity, body type, hair color, and more. It is almost as detailed as Cyberpunk’s.

Many hope to be able to customize the look of their companions. Others want to multiclass and gain more power. If you want to edit your own character, there may be a trick to it. Can you change your appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Can you change your appearance?

Currently, there is no way to change your character’s appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3. After you create your character at the start of the game, you cannot change it later on.

There is a chance that this could change with the full release of the game. After all, other games from the studio such as Divinity Original Sin gave the player the option to change their look outside of the character creation screen.

Since the game left early access in early August, there hasn’t been a change such as a barber shop that has been added. For now, the only changes come when you wear different types of armor such as switching from light armor to medium armor.

Many are hoping that they will be able to alter their character’s appearance using powerful magic or by simply going to the pause menu. There is no telling if this change will take effect until the full release of the game. With how many players are asking for the feature, it could very well get implemented soon.

There are tons of options to consider when making your character like vitiligo pigmentation, eye colour, scars, complexion, and other physical appearance alterations. You can even go so far as to edit your character’s genitals.

Perhaps more changes will come when the game releases again in September on PlayStation. That way you can change the appearance of your rogue, paladin, or fighter mid-game.

Is there a mod to change appearance mid-game in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Unfortunately, no – there aren’t any mods that can alter the vanilla settings of changing your appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3. It seems that Larian Studios are pretty strict when it comes to appearance updating. There are mods that can enhance your appearance – but this is after the fact.


Is there a mod to change appearance mid-game?

No – currently there are no mods to alter the vanilla settings of no appearance changing after you’ve created your character.

Can you change your appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3?

No – you currently can’t and it seems there is no current way to change your character’s appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Aden is an avid gamer with a love for RPGs. He isn't afraid to scour the dungeon or raid the castle.

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