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How to beat 99 Bots vs. You map in Fortnite

Beating 99 bots in a Fortnite match sounds like an easy task, but this map has a unique twist that will put your skills to the test.

Updated: Jul 19, 2023 12:28 pm
How to beat 99 Bots vs. You map in Fortnite

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Beating 99 bots in a Fortnite match sounds very easy. However, a new Creative map is extremely difficult since it has a unique twist. Instead of a classic battle royale game, this map puts you against 99 bots who are on the same team.

Surviving is extremely tough and eliminating 30-40 bots in a small circle is impossible. Due to this, we’ve prepared a guide that will help you beat the 99 Bots vs. You map.

If you haven’t played the map already, you can access it with the following code: 9369-7503-7935. It’s one of the top 500 Fortnite Creative maps and its all-time peak is 1,403 players.

Beating 99 Fortnite bots can be tough, but it’s easier with the right strategy

Most bots land in the same place, which is something you need to use to your advantage. If you’d like to have a chance at winning the game, we suggest you follow bots, grab a gun early on, and eliminate a few of them.

You will likely deal with ammo problems throughout the match, especially early on. Due to this, you should use your pickaxe to finish off enemies. Make sure to finish downed bots as quickly as possible. If you don’t, their teammates will revive them.

If you have ammo problems, make sure to select Reality Augments which will help you with it. Additionally, open every single chest and ammo box you can find, and pick up the loot from eliminated bots.

Eliminating bots early in the game is the key. While many of them will die in the storm, you will not be able to survive if you face 30 or more of them in a small circle. In addition to this, if you don’t follow bots to their landing spot, you most likely won’t encounter many of them in the first 10 minutes of the game.

fortnite creative map
Image by WePC via Epic Games

It’s important that you finish off bots early in the game. However, you need to be smarter with eliminations in the end game. Each elimination grants you 30 of each material along with 30 effective health. Due to this, you will sometimes need to hold off finishing off an enemy in order to gain quick heals.

Finally, the 99 Bots vs. You Fortnite map utilized the Overshield feature. You will need to pay attention to it and hide when your Overshield is depleted. It takes a few seconds for it to completely recharge, so make sure to stay away from bots until it does.

According to the map creator, only 0.12% of players have beaten the map so far. If you utilize these tips and practice, you will likely join the exclusive winner club very soon. Good luck!

Asmir is a gaming and NBA writer at WePC and has over a decade's experience. In his spare time, Asmir loves playing Fortnite and Overwatch, while basketball is also one of his hobbies.

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