Home » Gaming » MW2 players blast the game as ‘corporate greed’ as frustration continues into CoD 2023

MW2 players blast the game as ‘corporate greed’ as frustration continues into CoD 2023

Updated: May 22, 2023 12:11 pm
MW2 players blast the game as ‘corporate greed’ as frustration continues into CoD 2023

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Growing frustrations around Call of Duty are never-ending, and it seems that this is increasingly becoming clearer as Activision look to pivot to Call of Duty 2023 this year, there seems to be a mixed bag around the potential purchase of the game due to the perceived state of the game as of today, and it is pretty interesting.

The pay to win model has fans of CoD ever more annoyed…

Taking to reddit, the user ‘Wowcoolposts’ mentioned that the free-to-play section of Call of Duty which is most likely pointing towards Warzone and DMZ is an area of the company with money hungry attempts to take your cash” and that with non-stop advertisements of bundles boiled down to ‘corporate greed’ as the F2P model looks to continue on in genres such as Battle Royale.

While players of the game are annoyed at this, others aren’t surprised. With users such as ‘AntpoisonX‘ implicating that if skins can be sold for massive profits, the model won’t change and with user ‘yungmiaw’ simply describing Call of Duty’s microtransaction culture as You are, to them, a statistic. You’re not a paying customer, you’re a f**king number.

This could be implying to the current state Call of Duty is in and for the past several months shines a light on how corporate gaming has plateaued in creativity and rather sticking to what works every year. With users such as ‘AdAny7443’ mentioned thatthe game still has a lot of problems like crashes, not being able to join friends even though they’re online, prox chat being a mixed bag of working and not workingshows that there are even more issues to the quality of life areas in the game which could be due to negligence within the community thus leading to further more friction between publisher and community around Call of Duty.

Does it start from the top?

Ultimately, how the culture of Call of Duty changes boils down to the publishers themselves. The community can only do so much around taking a stand against so-called ‘corporate greed’ as these free-to-play models evolve. User ‘mferly’ strongly suggested that from a community level, it’s not enough, stating “In a nutshell, you’re simply not capable of fighting a company that pulls in $1B+ a quarter. They’re just fine with or without you.”

So it’s a fair bet to potentially say that with change, it needs to stem from the top of the food chain though it will be interesting to see how the community reacts to the new game as more gets unravelled later this year.

Sulaiman Sarwar is an SEO Executive for By Gamers, For Gamers. He is interested in all things SEO & Digital.

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