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How much bigger will Jedi Survivor be than Fallen Order?

Updated: Apr 26, 2023 2:45 pm
<strong>How much bigger will Jedi Survivor be than Fallen Order?</strong>

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There is no doubt that Star Wars Jedi Survivor is going to be much bigger than its predecessor, Jedi Fallen Order. Jedi Survivor is a much bigger game in comparison and will take players all across the galaxy once more as Cal Kestis. When it comes to size, there are many factors to look at. Will the maps be bigger? How do the file sizes compare? How long does each game take to beat? You need to look at all of these factors when determining how big Jedi Survivor is than its predecessor. How much bigger is Jedi Survivor than Fallen Order?

How much bigger is the file size for Jedi Survivor than for Fallen Order?

an enemy with a mysterious device in star wars jedi survivor

For starters, let’s look at the file sizes of the two games. When Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order was released, it came in at an impressive 55GB. For its time, that was a pretty decent file size that took a while to download. Of course, we have seen plenty of games that are bigger than that since then. Those who plan on downloading Jedi Survivor will have a download size nearly three times larger than Fallen Order with it coming in at around 155GB depending on what system you are playing on.

How much bigger is the map size for Jedi Survivor than for Fallen Order?

Jedi Survivor is going to have much larger maps and a larger variety of maps compared to Jedi Fallen Order. Unfortunately, no information has been shared about how big the maps are in comparison to the game’s predecessor. The devs have confirmed that there are larger and more varied map designs through Jedi Survivor.

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How much longer is Jedi Survivor than Fallen Order?

cal with cere junda in star wars jedi survivor

Jedi Survivor’s length looks to be pretty similar to Fallen Order. Fallen Order took around 17 – 25 hours to complete with some completionist times taking upwards of 30+ hours. Jedi Survivor looks to be coming in around 30 hours to complete which means completionists will probably clock in around 40 – 45 hours if they plan on finding and collecting everything in the game.

Aden is an avid gamer with a love for RPGs. He isn't afraid to scour the dungeon or raid the castle.

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