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Dwarf Fortress: Steam release date, news, what we know so far

Dwarf Fortress may well be either the best game you have never heard of. Or the best game you will ever play.

Updated: Nov 22, 2021 12:31 pm
Dwarf Fortress: Steam release date, news, what we know so far

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Many have fallen at the first hurdle, the sheer inaccessibility of its base game leaves so many people aghast and uninstalling after mere minutes, but if you ever persevere enough to get it, you will find worlds to game in beyond anything like any of the mega-franchises offer you.

What is Dwarf Fortress?

Gorgeous ASCII

11 years ago Wired ran an article on Dwarf Fortress. The world took note. What the hell is that? They collectively though as they stared at screens full of ASCII characters that, if you squinted and looked at a certain angle, could potentially look like Tolkeinesque map.

That my friends, is Dwarf Fortress, and there is genuinely nothing like it to this day. It is without a doubt an incredible world simulation, spanning centuries of (made up) history and such a fiendish game mechanic that once you “get it”, you will never both with a FIFA or Assasin’s Creed ever again.

If the hardcore text graphics are beyond you, there are plenty of tile packs and extra such as new sounds and so on that have been created over the years by the community to help make things a bit more accessible.

When is the Dwarf Fortress release date?

Dwarf Fortress has been out for years, but not via any of the mainstream sites. The base game is over 15 years old now but is still being developed for and constantly evolving, so think not when it was first released, just how recently its latest iteration arrived, and that was at the end of January 2021.

How much is Dwaft Fortress?

Unbelievably, this massive labor of love is free. Yes free. You could be about to give up the rest of your life on something that costs you nothing. That doesn’t happen very often.

When is the Dwarf Fortress Steam release date?

The Steam page for Dwarf Fortress tells us: “The deepest, most intricate simulation of a world that’s ever been created. The legendary Dwarf Fortress is now on Steam. Build a fortress and try to help your dwarves survive, OR adventure as a single hero against a deeply generated world.”

That however is only half the story as the release date is listed only as “Time is subjective.”

Time has indeed been subject as it was added to Steam in March 2019 and set to be published by Kitfox games and include an enhanced tileset. There is genuinely no further rumor or murmur other than that. It will arrive when it arrives we guess

Dwarf Fortress Download

You can download Dwarf Fortress for free by going to the developer’s website. Get it. Get it now.

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