Redfall Gameplay Shown Off At Xbox Bethesda Showcase
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The Xbox Bethesda Showcase has started! With it comes our first look at Redfall, with our first gameplay for the game itself.
Redfall Is Coming.
The game is in a first-person form, and the gameplay itself features a character exploring an extremely creepy house holding a gun as she’s attacked by a whole host of vampires, blasting them away before being saved by one of her friends. It also explains what exactly each of the characters do, how they’re unique and how we as players will be using them. The game itself will be launching on Game Pass day one, and will launch next year in 2024.
What is Redfall?
Redfall was announced during the Xbox and Bethesda conference last year for release within this year, but it was delayed till the first half of next year in May of this year. It promises to feature single-player and co-operative multiplayer gameplay in which you slay vampires as a squad and will drop on Game Pass day one. See all of our conference coverage over here!