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How to find your belongings after getting jailed in Baldur’s Gate 3

Updated: Aug 23, 2023 12:29 pm
How to find your belongings after getting jailed in Baldur’s Gate 3

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Have you lost your belongings after going to jail in Baldur’s Gate 3? Once you go to jail, you get a quest to get out and get your belongings back. Similar to losing your items to Mol and Mattis Tiefling refugees in the Hollow within the Druid Grove, you need to track down your stuff or you will be without it for the rest of the game.

You will need to muster up your strength and get ready to escape the confines of your prison. It might be helpful to avoid getting thrown in jail in the first place. So don’t steal and avoid unnecessary confrontations.

There’s much to discover in Baldur’s Gate 3 such as a massive list of spells and and cute companions like the Owlbear Cub. Be careful about how you act though because one wrong move can send you to jail. This guide will show you how to find your belongings after getting jailed in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to get out of jail and get your belongings back in Baldur’s Gate 3

There are a few options you have when trying to break out of jail. Try the following to guarantee your success:

  • Interact with your cell to look for a means of escape such as weak walls or a concealed hatch
  • Attempt to pick the lock of the entrance

Either method can prove useful if you don’t want to wait out your time. You can easily escape the Druid Grove prison by breaking the walls or the Goblin Camp prison by going through a hole similar to the one leading to the Tiefling Hideout. In Druid Grove, it is easier to break free by attacking the walls and then walking around to where Sazza is to escape.

Once you are out of your prison cell, you will need to get your belongings back. Your belongings can typically be in the chests in front of your prison cell. These chests are leveled as evidence chests. They can be easy to overlook since oftentimes items get placed further away and you must search for them.

After breaking free from prison, you will probably need to make a charisma check or two so you might want to make sure your skills of persuasion are good. Larian Studios has included many interactions in Baldur’s Gate 3. Going to prison is very similar to having your items stolen by the Tiefling child scam trap.

With getting your items back, you don’t need to track down the thieves’ hideout or scour through the wares of a shop owner. When you do get thrown in jail, you will end up getting a side quest to get your items back. This will typically lead to you needing to pass perception checks to get out through various dialogue options.

Aden is an avid gamer with a love for RPGs. He isn't afraid to scour the dungeon or raid the castle.

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