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All Achievements in CS2

Updated: Sep 28, 2023 2:09 pm
All Achievements in CS2

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Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) has a fanbase that loves getting achievements and showing off how great they were at the original Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). With the update to CS2, it’s clear that many fans are wondering what will change about achievements and what will happen to those from the old game.

Even though Valve has been mostly silent about achievements, we have some answers. CS:GO had 167 achievements for players to unlock, but it looks like CS2 is a far cry from being like its predecessor in that department.

Counter-Strike 2 – All achievements possible

All of the achievements you can get from CS2 are in our table below.

NameIn-game descriptionHow to unlock
A new beginningThis is Counter-Strike, tooPlay and complete any match.

It seems silly to have only one achievement in a game like this, but it’s obviously going to come in time. It seems strange that Valve wouldn’t just repeat the Counter-Strike achievements from CS:GO since there were over 160 they could have chosen from.

So just play any match or mode, it can be filled with bots or a real deathmatch, and you’ll get the one achievement. This will even work for a private game, and some have gotten it right after they launch CS2, so this seems like an easy achievement to get.

When will new achievements be added to CS2?

There is no word on when new achievements will make their way to CS2. Unfortunately, Valve has been mostly quiet about these kinds of changes, and hasn’t told fans what the plan was. In fact, the release itself was pretty unexpected for many, as only a vague tweet let people know the game was coming.

Players seem pretty upset over losing their achievements and only getting one, but we’re sure that eventually, Valve will unload similar achievements into CS2.

In other words, for those of you who are really into achievements, you’ll need to just wait patiently and set up your ping and FPS checker, or ensure you have the right laptop.

Where are my CS:GO achievements?

The achievements for CS:GO have been removed with the change to CS2. If you received the achievement, you can keep it and the points but you can no longer get achievements for CS:GO.

There was no real warning from Valve that the old achievements would leave and that a single new one would take its place, so this came as a surprise to many. Valve did release a statement in their FAQ “CS:GO achievements have been wiped and are no longer available.”

Jorge Aguilar is the Gaming Editor for WePC. He is interested in the video game industry and its history.

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