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Baldur’s Gate 3 reminds players what it was like to get finished games at launch

Updated: Aug 7, 2023 8:04 pm
Baldur’s Gate 3 reminds players what it was like to get finished games at launch

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is an exception to a defacto rule that AAA games normally require multiple patches post-release to feel complete. Fans want more games to be developed like this, and they often wonder why this doesn’t seem to be the case. Recently, many developers have struggled to release games that feel completely finished at launch, Baldur’s Gate 3 didn’t have those same problems.

Players were surprised as they downloaded and entered what seemed to be a fully finished game on day one. This is also quite true when taking a look at the recent patch notes, which hardly have any big issues addressed.

Praise continues for Baldur’s Gate 3

A Reddit user posted a meme on the Subreddit for Baldur’s Gate 3 that expressed fans’ thoughts. The meme implied that the high quality of Baldur’s Gate 3 would set an unrealistic expectation for other developers to release their games in a finished state. Batman slaps Robin, interrupting his thought with, “make better games.”

Below the Reddit post, players discussed other developers struggling and what they believe should be done differently. They believe that changes can be made so that games release in a more finished state. 

One user made the comment, “I think most developers these days lack good leadership, a vision that is clear from day one.” While we really don’t know what happens behind closed doors with the development teams of these video games, it does seem a lot of them get release dates much sooner than the team can finalize the game, resulting in a rushed release or a lot of bugs and issues.

Another comment went on to state that it was okay if developers didn’t deliver games at the premium level, but they shouldn’t charge premium prices if they couldn’t. Other gamers responded to this comment agreeing with the statement of not charging as high of prices if the game isn’t worth it.

Lastly, another user commented that we shouldn’t always be viewing things in this industry in such a negative light but be celebrating a new amazing game. This is a very true statement. So many times, it seems that we gamers expect too much out of developers outside of just a working game, and it can make the community seem toxic. Gaming is a deep passion for many, and we should take the time to appreciate it more.

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