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Can you still get the Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy?

The Kelpie Robe originally came through the Kelpie Robe DLC in the Collector Edition of the game

Updated: Feb 23, 2023 9:17 am
Can you still get the Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy?

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Hogwarts Legacy allows you to customize your character, mainly through a plethora of fantastic cosmetic sets.

From facial accessories to outfits and even headwear, the game has got it all. However, one of the sickest-looking cosmetics in the game is the Kelpie Robe which many players dream of acquiring.

If you want to know how to get your hands on it, keep reading our article!

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How to get Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy

Unfortunately, the only way to get Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy was through the Kelpie Robe DLC in the Collector Edition of the game, which isn’t available on any platform anymore. So, in short, getting the elegant and stunning green robe isn’t possible in the game as of now.

However, if you already have the Collector Edition of Hogwarts Legacy, you can simply purchase the Kelpie Robe DLC and obtain the robe in the game.

hogwarts legacy kelpie robe
The Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy – the back of the robe features an animated design

Will the Kelpie Robe be available again in Hogwarts Legacy?

While there’s nothing that suggests the Kelpie Robe DLC will be made available again in Hogwarts Legacy, you never know. Given its rarity now, the developers might make it available to encourage some extra microtransactions from the game.

Otherwise, it’s perfectly reasonable if they choose to withhold the Kelpie Robe, as it’ll be unfair to the people who spent $300 on the Collector Edition and had access to the Robe with a DLC.

Is there still a way to get the Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy?

There’s always the possibility of finding someone who got the Collector’s Edition and purchasing the Kelpie robe DLC code from them. However, this option comes with some potential downsides to consider. For instance, you could get scammed, or the price could be ridiculously high, or the code might not even work on your platform.

Hogwarts Legacy Kelpie Robe : Final word

All in all, the Kelpie Robe isn’t available in Hogwarts Legacy. While there’s a chance that it might become available for purchase in the near future, for now, it seems you’re going to have to live without it. If you want more similar guides on Hogwarts Legacy, head over to our Guides tab.

Shaun, with a computer science degree and 15 years of computer experience, has been passionate about competitive FPS gaming since the mid-2000s.

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