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Jedi Survivor All Jedi Chambers

Updated: May 4, 2023 8:30 pm
Jedi Survivor All Jedi Chambers

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Mastering all of the new force powers you get in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can be quite a difficult task. Luckily, there are Jedi Meditation Chambers that have been left abandoned that are designed to help force users to practice their newly acquired force powers. These chambers are quite useful for Cal, but since the Jedi Order is all but disbanded, he will have to track down the Jedi Chambers himself. Let’s go over where you can find all the Jedi Chambers in Jedi: Survivor.

All Jedi Chamber Locations In Jedi Survivor

Chamber of Duality

In order to introduce the Jedi Chambers to the player, the Chamber of Duality is a part of the main missions of Jedi: Survivor and must be completed. You will be directed to it right after you meet up with Greez on Kobog. Greez will tell Cal to go check the Smuggler’s Tunnels below the Pyloon’s Saloon and while doing so, Cal will literally fall into the Chamber of Duality.

Chamber of Reason

After you managed to complete the Chamber of Duality, you will be introduced to Toa. Toa will then provide a side quest for Cal to find the next Jedi Chamber and point you in the direction you can find it. Although this is not needed to actually get into the chamber it does help with tracking it down as it will provide you with a marker for it.

Chamber of Clarity

This is the first Chamber that you will need to find on your own, as Toa won’t provide a side quest for it. This chamber can be found in Ramberl’s Reach in the northern part of the Untamed Downs. Simply cross the bridge to the next of the stables and keep going until you reach a hill you can’t climb up. Turn to your right and going that direction will lead you right to the chamber’s entrance.

Chamber of Detachment

Thankfully, this chamber has a side quest attached to it that Toa will give you. However, the side quest won’t be unlocked until your third trip to Koboh for the main quest line. This works out well as you need both BD-1’s Koboh Grinder ability and the ability to dash through green barriers, both of which are unlocked by your third return to Koboh.

Chamber of Connection

This chamber also has a side quest that will be given to you by Toa. You can stumble upon this chamber in the Viscid Bog area before Toa gives you the quest for it, but you won’t be able to complete it until BD-1 has the Koboh Grinder. By the time you get that upgrade for BD-1, Toa will give you the quest for this chamber’s location.

Chamber of Fortitude

This can be the hardest chamber to find if you don’t wait for Toa’s side quest for it. If you want to go for it early, you can find this chamber by going to the Southern Reach Meditation Point in Rambler’s Reach and traveling in the direction of Riverbed Watch. You will soon come to a valley where you will want to make your way toward the silo down in the valley.

You’ll have to use a Relter you can find near the silo to land on top of it in order to get inside. Once inside, you will want to make your way down to the bottom of the Silo where you can open the front in order to save yourself the effort of coming in from the top next time. With the front door open, turn around to find the entrance to the Jedi Chamber behind you.

Chamber of Ambidexterity

The final Jedi Chamber you need to complete can be found in the Devastated Settlement on Koboh. To find this chamber’s entrance, you will want to go to the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point. Go along the right side of the area and look out over the cliffs to find a large cube, this is where the entrance is located.

In order to get to the entrance open, you will need to use a Relter next to the Meditation Point that you originally fast-traveled to. Fly the Relter to the other side of the Devastated Settlement and land next to an orb amplifier. You will want to aim the beam from the amplifier at the platform below the cube in order to open the chamber’s entrance.

With that chamber completed you should be ready to go back and finish off the Alignment Control Center to get your true reward. If you are looking for some more side challenges to do consider tracking down the Jedi Robes cosmetic set or get a blast from the past with Cal’s poncho from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

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