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Yugioh Master Duel – Meta Deck Guide – Zoodiac Tri-Brigade

Learn how to play one of the best decks in Master Duel

Updated: Feb 9, 2022 5:15 pm
Yugioh Master Duel – Meta Deck Guide – Zoodiac Tri-Brigade

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The Yugioh Master Duel meta is a diverse one currently. For those who want to get to the top ranks of competitive play with no experience, it can be difficult. Well don’t worry, these guides will take you through Master Duels best decks, their goals, combos, and what you should be seeing at the end of your turns

The type of card in a deck will be broken down into a few categories:

Searcher – This card lets you search your deck for another card

Extender – This card will special summon itself or another card

Starter – A card that will begin your combo

Interrupter – A card that allows for interaction on your opponent’s turn, be this negate, destroy, or return a card to the hand.

Finisher – A card intended to finish up games by attacking


A hybrid of two archetypes, Tri-Brigade and Zoodiac. Tri Zoo has powerful lockdowns and very strong destruction effects. Both decks are great at doing a lot with a little. Knowing how to manage your resources and build around these one-card combos is a key part of this deck.

Tri Brigade

Tri-Brigade is a series of monsters consisting of 3 types, Beast, Beast-Warrior, and Winged-Beast which will now be referred to as Tri type. When in the Graveyard Tri type monsters can banish themselves and other Tri-type monsters to special summon a Link monster as long as it is of those same 3 monster types and the number of cards banished equals the link rating. For example, you banish 3 Tri-type monsters, you can now special summon a Link 3 Tri-type monster from your extra deck.


A group of beast-warrior monsters that are level 4 in the main deck and rank 4 in the extra deck. Zoodiacs ignore one of the key rules of XYZ summoning as they only require 1 Zoodiac monster to XYZ from. A single normal summon climbs up to a powerful boss monster that shreds through boards.

The Synergy

Tri-Brigade does not need their normal summon. Having a supplementary engine that uses that normal summon is smart deck building. In your Zoodiac combo you will be using all of your Zoodaic extra deck monsters, loading your grave with Beast warriors to use for a Tri-brigade link summon. Along with this Zoodiacs allows this deck to take advantage of some very powerful extra deck monsters.

The Deck


Main deck

Zoodiac Throughblade (Starter)

Zoodiac Ramram (Starter)

Zoodiac Whiptail (Starter)

The ratios of these cards vary massively from player to player and it’s up to your to find out what you are comfortable with. As you can see all of the Zoodiacs are starters, each one can be used to XYZ summon into a Zoodiac XYZ on its own. Throughblade gives the effect of the monster it is xyz material of to deal piercing damage. Ramram lets a monster it is attached to as XYZ material negate trap effects or effects that target by detaching 1 material. Whiptail attaches to a Zoo XYZ as material from the hand. A Beast-warrior XYZ with Whiptail under it will banish any card it battles after damage calculation. These effects can appear in games. These are just the best Zoodiac main deck monsters and it’s better to use there than the bad ones.

Extra Deck

Zoodaic Boarbow (Starter)

Zoodiac Chacanine (Extender)

Zoodiac Hammerkong (Extender)

Zoodiac Drident (Extender)

Zoodiac TigerMortar (Extender)

Most of the Zoodiacs are in your extra deck. Any 1 Zoodaic monster can be used to XYZ, this includes the XYZ monsters themselves. Boarbow can attack directly. This is very important for going into one of the boss monsters. Drident detaches a material to destroy any card on either player’s turn. Very useful interruption when you have 5 XYZ material.

The rest don’t matter that much so let’s talk about them. Chakanine can summon a Zoodiac from the grave. Tigermortar attaches a Zoo in the grave to a Zoodiac XYZ as material. Hammerkong can protect your Zoodiacs from being targeted.

Tri-Brigade cards

Main deck

Tri Brigade Fractal (Starter)

Tri Brigade Kit (Extender)

Tri Brigate Nerval (Searcher)

Tri Brigade Kerass (Extender)

Nervall is key to this deck. Being searched from any two Lyriluscs, then when sent to the grave searches any other Tri-Brigade. Frackall gets your grave loaded up with Tri-Brigades. Especially when used with Kitt who sends a Tri-Brigade to the grave. Kerass can be summoned by discarding any Tri-type which can be useful in niche scenarios.

Spells and traps

Tri-Bridage Revolt (Interuption)

PHRA EN070 Tri Brigade Revolt Common.jpg

Revolt is this decks secret weapon. You need to banish Tri-types to use the effects of your Tri-Brigade monsters. You will have a pretty full banished pile. Well, Revolt lets you summon all of those banish monsters back and then use them to immediately link summon. An incredible surprise on your opponent’s turn after they use all of their resources to dismantle your board only for you to flip up Revolt as summon a link 4.

Extra Deck

Tri-Brigade Shuraig (Interruption)

Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm (Searcher)

Tri-Brigade Ferrijit (Extender)

When summon Shuraig banishes an opponent’s card, this is powerful when he is summoned by Revolt to interrupt your opponent. Bearbrumm searches revolt when she leaves the field, need I say more. Ferrijit is an extender as she lets you get ant Tri-types onto the field from your hand.

Additional card

Not every card in this deck belongs to these archetypes, hand traps are a must, with Ash Blossom and Maxx C.

Divine Arsenal AA Zeus is one of the most powerful XYZ monsters in the game. Detach two XYZ materials to destroy every card on the field. This effect unlike most in the game is not once per turn. It isn’t even once per chain. This means that you can activate the effect of Zeus and your opponent may try to negate it in response, you can simply activate Zeus’s effect again in responses to their attempted negation. Since in Yugioh effects resolve with the most recently activated effect going first your Zeus wont be negated unless they plan on using another negation on you.

On top of that, it can be summoned by using any XYZ monster as material provided it has dealt damage to your opponent this turn. You summon Boarbow, go to your battle phase, attack your opponent directly thanks to boarbows effect. Told you it would be important, this gives Zoodiacs the easiest access to AA Zeus out of any deck in the game.

And that’s not even the end of it. You don’t have to use the card you attacked with to summon AA Zeus. You attack with Boarbow, you then xyz summon all your other Zoodiac Xyz monster on top of Boarbow and then XYZ summon AA Zeus. You now have a AA Zeus with 6 materials under it. Three full board wipes you can use whenever you want.

DivineArsenalAAZEUSSkyThunder PHRA EN ScR 1E
How was this ever printed?

The best searcher in your deck in Fire Formation – Tenki. This continuous spell lets you search for any Beast-warrior monster. Fraktal for starting Tri-brigade combos and any of your Zoodiac monsters. This card should be played at 3, with access to both halves of your deck at no cost.


This deck has a lot of space for handtraps. Which is the main allure of using two simple engines like this. The remaining of your slots can be filled with Effect veiler for negative effect monsters. Nibiru the primal being for clearing yours opponent’s boards when they summon more than 5 times in a turn. Maxx “C” is let you draw a card every time your opponent summons, almost guaranteeing you the chance to draw your combo starters. Since you are running other hand traps this will get you to that interruption quicker.

MaxxC SR03 EN C 1E

The rest are for you to decide. Do you want battle protection? Try threatening roar. Effect negation? Try Solemn judgment? Need more board wipes? Raigeki and Lightning Storm are both great for clearing monsters and spells.

The Combos

The combos in this deck are strange. The Two halves run in parallel, they don’t need to interact. You can use the Tri-Brigades to set up a powerful turn one board with Revolt that will let you stop your opponent of their turn. Going turn two going into AA Zeus as discussed earlier is powerful and simple to do. Simply XYZ all of your Zoodiac monsters into each other and attack with boarbow in the battle phase. Then XYZ into AA Zues

Any Zoodiac monster & Fraktall

This is a useful turn-one combo that gives youself some protection.

Use Fraktall’s effect to send itself and Kitt to the grave from deck. Kitt’s effect to send Nerval. Nervall’s effect to add a Fraktall

Normal Fraktall and use its effect to banish Kitt and Nerval to summon Ferajit.

Ferajit’s effect to summon the Zoodiac monster in your hand. XYZ into your zoodiac XYZ with the number of cards you want your Drident to have. (2-3 is fine)

Link summon Bearbrum using Ferajit and Fraktall. Using Freajit to draw a card.

Using Bearbrums effect to summon a banished Tri-Brigade Nerval.

Link Bearbrum and Nerval, into Rugal.

Use Bearbrums effect to search for Revolt.

There are many more combo’s and lines you can master with this Tri-Zoo deck. So here is a video by Hex Lex showing you more of what to do with those starting cards in your hand.

The Price and the packs

Those who Stand Against Kings is the secret pack that Zoodiac are in. Tri-Brigade are inside Stalwart force and Echo Chamber Nation. Getting what you need is useful but if you just want to craft the deck, here is the amount of CP you will need for the basics of this deck. This doesn’t include any handtraps or extra deck cards not mentioned above

N-CP : 180

R-CP : 480

SR-CP: 150

UR-CP: 90

As you can see this deck is very cheap when it comes to the core. The very expensive cards are what fills up the gaps in this deck. Hand traps like Maxx C are great since this deck aims to go seconds for maximum use of Zues. For consistency Pot of Desires and Prosperity are great to dig deeper into your deck to find key cards. A tech I’ve added is monster reborn reborn, this card lets you pick 3 cards in your grave, your opponent pick 1 and you summon it, the other 2 are banished. If you do this with any Tri types you can bring them back with Revolt for a big link summon into Shuraig.

image 2

Are there any of the best decks you would like to learn how to play? Comment below and we will get started on breaking that deck down

Whilst that’s it for this, we’ve been covering a fair bit of Master Duel content, you can find it all here:

You can also read our official Yugioh Master Duel review here.

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