Sony’s State Of Play Delayed In Response To Black Lives Matter

2020, on the whole, has not been a great year – I think that’s something we can all agree on (looking at you COVID-19). And, the recent events happening in America have been yet another dark mark for 2020.

After the horrific murder of George Floyd sparked a number of protests and riots across the country, many businesses have taken to social media to share their support. One of the most recent of these was Sony.

They tweeted out today their decision to postpone their upcoming State of Play in light of recent events.

Rumors had been circulating that this would be our first real glimpse of the upcoming next-gen console, the PS5, something that Sony has been annoyingly stingy on when it comes to details. There was also set to be a raft of game reveals that many fans were excited about.

But, the decision to hold back on this event has been met by praise with many Twitter users.

While we were definitely excited to see what Sony has in store, we’ve waited this long, I know we can all wait a little longer.