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Starfield Should Ryujin buy Infinity LTD?

Updated: Sep 22, 2023 2:31 pm
Starfield Should Ryujin buy Infinity LTD?

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After running around for Ryujin Industries in Starfield, you’ll be tasked with a final decision: Should the company buy Infinity LTD or not? If you’re not sure what to do, it can be an intimidating choice.

Ryujin Industries is just one of the many factions you’ll find in Starfield, that you can choose to join and complete their missions and questline. You’ll be running around for them for quite a bit before reaching this choice, but once you do, it’s up to you whether you want Ryujin to purchase the company or not.

Should Ryujin Industries buy Infinity LTD? Should they not buy it? What should you choose? We’re here to let you know what decision you should make.

Should Ryujin Industries purchase Infinity LTD in Starfield?

While you can influence the decision of whether Ryujin purchases Infinity LTD by voting yes or no, and persuading others to do the same, the choice actually has no effect on gameplay. Your persuasion check won’t matter and you’ll be given the same rewards no matter which the executive board ends up choosing. These perks include an office in the Ryujin Tower with a roof entrance, a private terminal, and access to the faction’s mission board for more XP and credits, as pointed out by Imogene.

So, whether or not Ryujin Industries should purchase Infinity LTD is entirely up to you. If you want to complete the deal after hours of stealth and sneaking around their offices and guards using the Internal Neuroamp, you can, but if you don’t want to, it doesn’t make a difference.

In the mission, you can out Ularu as a mole, making it so her votes don’t count as well if you want another layer of subterfuge in the galaxy.

How to purchase Infinity LTD in Starfield

If you decide you do want Ryujin Industries to purchase Infinity LTD, you need to convince at least four board members to vote yes on it. The board has eight members in total, so with your vote, you’ll be able to make the majority. Go around to each one and attempt to persuade them with dialogue to vote yes.

All it takes is for the board meeting to occur and you get the five votes you need to vote yes on the purchase. After doing so, this will complete the Ryujin Industries questline.

There are plenty of quests you need to complete for the company before this, including:

And more, along with the main quest of the game. Ryujin Industries is just one of the megacorporations found in Starfield, and Bethesda Game Studios has packed the game with plenty of content beyond factions. The full game has planets, cities, and more to explore.

Annie is a journalist interested in video games and tech news.

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